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"Uppsala Nya Tidning" 


26/1 - 2024 "Take My Life" is now exhibited at Kaleidio galleri. 
13/1 – 3/2



4/6 -2023

"Mom made that baby" - 2023, is now exhibited at Slipvillan, Stockholm.


I will hold a lecture and a workshop at Hälsingland Museum 4/2-2023

On February 4th I will give a lecture and hold a workshop at Hälsingland's museum. I will talk about my artwork "Take My Life" and share my anchors around the theme of motherhood in art, the ritual process in art making and about the different parts of the installation. After this, there will be a workshop where the participants themselves can try sculpting in textile using the same method as me.

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A series of talks and workshops about motherhood and art
at Hälsingland's museum 24/1 – 17/2 2023

A series of talks and workshops about motherhood and art will be held at Hälsingland's museum based on Alma Winkler's installation "Take my life" and Anna Sjödahl's exhibition "All denna jävla lycka" (All this damn happiness)

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A review about my exhibition "Alma Winkler – Take My Life"
n Ljusdals-Posten, Ljusnan, Söderhamns-Kuriren and Hudiksvalls Tidning, 23/11-2023

"När curator Carl Anders Skoglund drar upp dörren till det lilla rummet drar jag nästan efter andan. Det ligger ju en mamma och ett litet barn där! På golvet framför mig, i naturlig storlek, och så välgjort att jag nästan tycker mig ana att mamman andas.
Det handlar om Hälsing- lands museums senaste utställning: Alma Winkler – ”Take my life”.
Utställningen är placerad i det lilla idérummet på museets andra vå- ningsplan, längst inne, bakom den fas- ta utställningen som berättar om Sti- na Rodenstam och textil dåtid. Alma Winklers textila installation blir både en vinkning till textil nutid"
Text by Karin Bylund


Vernissage – Saturday 19 November, at 13.00. Welcome!

I will exhibit at Hälsingland Museum in 
19th of November 2022 – 25th of February. 


Press photos from Stockholm Craft week 2022

Me in press pictures from Stockholm Craft week.

Here I participated in the exhibition SOCIAL CLUB at Konstfack where I also took part in a discussion regarding Identity and Memory with Berenice Hernandez, on October 6.

The discussion was moderated by Sarah Darro (USA), Amanda Pinatih (NL), Maria Ragnestam (SE), Marina Elenskaya (NL), Frank Verkade (NL), Veronika Muráriková (SVK), Anders Ljungberg (SE)


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Pictures of my work "Tails of Holy Cows. 
Photo by @currentobsessionmag

Picture of my work "Tails of Holy Cows" that I showed in the exhibition SOCIAL CLUB at Konstfack at Craft Week, 6 - 9 of October 2022.

The event was carried out with the support from the Department of Craft at Konstfack, University of Arts, Crafts and Design.

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Re-Building by Supportive Structure at Craft Week

I am participating in a group exhibition with Supportive Structures, 
on the 16th and 21st of October, as a part of Stockholm Craft Week at Galleri Gemla.

Participating artists are Beatrice Alvestad Lopez, Berenice Hernandez, Alma Winkler, Alexandra Johansson, Linnea Matei, Ita Drew, Linette Tran, Lizzie Abbott, Malin Hallgren, Molnia Efremov and Matilda Envall


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A review about the exhibition "Hagen uti oss” (The garden within) in Norrbottens-Kuriren 1/10-2022

A review about the exhibition "Hagen uti oss” (The garden within) in Norrbottens-Kuriren 1/10-2022. The exhibition is shown at Galleri Syster in Luleå. Participating artists are Alma Winkler, Åsa Ersmark and Maja Stjärna. 

The exhibition was curated by Felix Krausz Sjögren, Adina Edfelt and
Alva Warnström Mårsén.

Text by Eva Åström

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I participate in the exhibition "Hagen uti oss” (The garden within) at Galleri Syster, Luleå

I participate in the exhibition "Hagen uti oss” (The garden within) at Galleri Syster. Participating artists are Åsa Ersmark, Maja Stjärna and Alma Winkler. 

The exhibition was curated by Felix Krausz Sjögren, Adina Edfelt and
Alva Warnström Mårsén.

The exhibition is carried out with the support of Index –The Swedish Contemporary Art Foundation, Kulturrådet (Swedish Art Council) , Norrbottens läns landsting (Norrbotten County Council), and Luleå kommuns kultur- och fritidsförvaltning (Luleå Municipality's cultural and leisure management)


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Article in the Magazine Hemslöjd

An article about my artwork "Take My Life" in the magazine Hemslöjd, June 28, 2022.

Text by Maria Diedrichs

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I got the Stawenowska Sholarship!

I received a scholarship from "Rektor Åkte Stawnows m.fl rektorers stipendiestiftelse" for my Master Project and thesis.

The nominees were professors and principal of Konstfack, University of Arts, Crafts and Design.

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A review about Konstfack's Spring Exhibition in Dagens Nyheter,
May 20 - 2022

I review in DN about Konstfack's Degree Exhibition. The article ends with :

"The emotionally strongest element of the exhibition, however, lies outside everything else: Alma Winkler's fabric sculptures resting heavily on mattresses. "Take my life" asks existential questions about motherhood, separation and unconditional love. The figures are defenseless and completely irresistible"

(Translation by me)

Text by Lotta Jonson

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A review about Konstfack's Spring Exhibition in OmKonst, May 25 - 2022

I review in OmKonst about Konstfack Degree Exhibition where
my artwork is mentioned in text and picture.

Text by Susanna Slöör

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Performance at Louisiana Museum of Modern Art,
August 27th, 2022.

Performance in the exhibition MOR! at Louisiana, Museum of Modern Art.

Performativ undersökning Bäbis skulptur, Louisiana 2021.jpg

Performance at Chart, Copenhagen, August 2022.

Performance at the Art Fair Chart.

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Performance "Tails of Holy Cows"

Perfomance "Tails of Holy Cows"

Svansar på heliga kor, performance.jpg

More info will be added

Alma Winkler
© 2024
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